
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Using the invisible character

Do you have something that
requires a name but you don’t
want anything in it? You could
just throw nonsense in there,
but a blank space would be
best. In actuality, there is an invisible character! This special
character is the equivalent of a
space: Hold down ALT then type 0160 (Alt+0160) on the number keypad at the right
side of your keyboard. Ways to Use the Invisible
Character 1. You could use it as an email
address when filling out
forms: @ .com 2. Giving your desktop shortcuts
blank labels so all you see is
the icon. (This will only work
on shortcuts, not on My
Computer, My Documents, or
program icons.) You must have your shortcut
labels set to drop shadow so
that the they are clear. Then, follow the normal way
to change the filename: click
the name slowly two times to
highlight the name. Or click
the icon once and hit F2. Type in our invisible character
code (Alt+0160). There you go–
an icon with no label. Keep in mind that if you want
to do this to other shortcuts
you can’t have the same name,
so just type the code more
than once. That means that for
the first shortcut you type Alt +0160 release the Alt key then
type Alt+0160 again. For the
third icon do it three times,
etc. How else do you use this
invisible character? Let us
know by commenting below!

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